Palanga guide by Monist

There are many faces of Palanga's architecture, culture, nature, tastes, and nightlife. We suggest getting to know them at your own pace. And once you’re done exploring, you will be welcomed by peace at Monist.
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For rainy days
Palanga Resort Museum
Birutės al. 34A
The noble family of Tiškevičius built this villa for themselves in the 19th century and did not imagine that a hundred years later, it would become an alternative music club. This colourful period in the building’s history is also in the past: today, the Swiss-style wooden villa is home to a beautiful museum that attracts even those who thought they were only seeing their children off.
For rainy days
Palanga Public Library
Vytauto g. 61
So you’ve packed all the world’s books in your tablet... Still, the time machine-like Palanga library is worth a visit for several reasons. These include the unexpectedly charming interior, the changing exhibitions, the secret canteen, and the gallery of the Palanga artists’ creative group Mostas.
By foot
Birutė hill
Vytauto g. 21
Many legends surround this place, and Lithuanians know for a fact that Birutė was the wife of Duke Kęstutis and the mother of Vytautas. The latter spread Christianity in Samogitia, so if there was an ancient solar and lunar observatory on this hill, it disappeared and gave way to the chapel. Try coming here after dark to discover what our ancestors could see. Photo by Palanga Tourism Information Centre
By bike or car
Baltic mythology park
Sausdravai, Kretingos raj.
Are you up for an indulgent dip in the forest or a deeper inner search? Baltic traditions are alive here, and ancient holidays are often celebrated. You can visit the park, which houses a pantheon of old gods, a labyrinth and even a well of happiness, with different intentions. For sure, the whispers of nature are better heard at dusk.
By foot
Palanga Botanical Park
Vytauto g. 15
As many as 140 football pitches could be accommodated in Palanga Botanical Park, also known as Birutė Park. The park, which dates back to the heyday of the Tiškevičius family, contains trees brought from European botanical gardens in the 19th century and hundreds of other plants. The greenhouse is the go-to place in autumn and winter when the sky is moody. A visit to the Palanga Amber Museum is also a must.
By foot
Palanga Fairy Tale Park
S. Daukanto g. 24A
Stories can be read, touched, absorbed, played with, and listened to. In the Palanga Fairy Tale Park, stories and characters well-known to generations of Lithuanians come to life. Even if you visit alone, feeling like a child again for a short while is always a good idea.
By foot
Palanga Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Vytauto g. 51
A neo-Gothic church is a common sight in many parts of Lithuania, yet far from every tower can be climbed to observe what lies beneath one’s feet. The magnificent panorama of the resort is something that you will tell everyone when you come back down. Before starting the climb, the treasures of the church make you pause.
By foot
Orientaciniai žygiai Skaitinėjant apie Palangą Tiškevičių pavardė išnyra gana dažnai. Tad verta skirti bent vieną dieną platesnei pažinčiai su šia kurortui nusipelniusia didikų gimine. „Grafų pėdomis“ – būtent taip vadinasi vienas iš trijų kompanijos „Train your brain“ orientacinių maršrutų Palangoje. O gal šiandienos nuotaikai labiau tiks „Jodo bomba“ ar „Birutės mįslės“? Užuominomis, intrigomis ir atradimams palankiu tempu bus pasirūpinta, o jūs nepamirškite kavos, arbatos ir kompanijos.
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