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Sugrįžtančioms jĖgoms

Kūno priežiūros procedūros ir masažai

ESPA šveitimas druska ir aliejumi arba geliu
Šveitimas su druska ir eteriniais šalina negyvas odos ląsteles, švelnina bei puoselėja odą. Rinkitės šią procedūrą, jei norite pasirūpinti savo oda ar paruošti kūną masažui. ESPA šveitimo metu naudojamos kokybiškos priemonės, kurias Monist SPA meistrai parinks pagal jūsų pageidavimus ir tai, ko labiausiai reikia jūsų kūnui: atpalaidavimo (ESPA Relaxing Salt Scrub), detoksikacijos (ESPA Detoxifying Salt Scrub) ar atsigaivinimo (ESPA Invigorating Salt Scrub). Nusiprausus po dušu, procedūrą užbaigs kūno padengimas ESPA kremu ar kūno sviestu (Deeply Nourishing Body Cream arba ESPA Smooth & Firm Body Butter).
30 min.
45 €
ESPA terapija kūnui su įvyniojimu
Kūno įvyniojimas yra savijautą gerinanti patirtis, kurią Monist SPA meistrai pritaikys jūsų kūno poreikiams. Kol jūs atsipalaiduosite, ESPA kūno priežiūros priemonės puoselės kūno odą, ESPA Pink Hair & Scalp Mud galvos odos kaukė sudrėkins skalpą, o SPA specialistas atliks įtampą mažinantį galvos masažą.
60 min.
70 €
SPA VILNIUS klasikinis masažas
SPA VILNIUS meistrų sukurtas klasikinis masažas jau 12 metų padeda pajusti gilų atsipalaidavimą. Ši terapija, atliekama Monist SPA meistrų, atpalaiduoja raumenis ir gerina jų atsistatymą, gali gerinti medžiagų apykaitą, reguliuoti kraujotakos, kvėpavimo ir virškinimo sistemų veiklą. Galiausiai – klasikinis masažas padeda atsikratyti nuovargio ir primena, kad pasirūpinus savo kūnu, lengva gyventi žvaliau ir nuotaikingiau.
30 min.
45 €
60 min.
75 €
90 min.
95 €
Švediškas pečių juostos masažas
Švediško masažo tikslas – atpalaiduoti įsitempusius raumenis, sumažinti jų nuovargį, padidinti deguonies pritekėjimą į kraują ir išlaisvinti toksinus, esančius raumenyse. Todėl šis pasyvius ir aktyvius judesius derinantis masažas yra ypač gilus ir malonus, padedantis atsipalaiduoti ir įgyti jėgų. Kad jums atliekamas masažas būtų pats efektyviausias, Monist SPA meistrai parinks judesius, jų atlikimo tempą, stiprumą ir intensyvumą atsižvelgdami į jūsų organizmo būklę. Sušildyti, ištempti raumenys, pagerėjęs kūno lankstumas ir laisvesni sąnariai po masažo padės jums jaustis sveikiems, darbingiems ir energingiems.
30 min.
45 €
Švediškas masažas
5 judesio tipai ir nesuskaičiuojamos atsipalaidavimo akimirkos – toks yra paprasčiausias švediško masažo apibūdinimas. Masažo metu atsipalaiduos ne tik mintys, bet ir raumenys, nervų sistema bei pagėrės deguonies apytaka kraujyje, todėl jausitės pailsėję ir grįžę į save. Šio masažo metu atliekami pasyvūs ir intensyvūs nugaros masažo judesiai, derinami su tempimais, išjudina giliuosius raumenis ir sąnarius. Taip pat išlaisvinamas kryžkaulis, atliekami klubo sąnario ir šlaunies tempimai, skirti suaktyvinti kraujotaką dubens ir sėdmenų srityje, o priekinės kūno dalies masažas padeda nurimti emociškai.
60 min.
80 €
90 min.
100 €
Nugaros ir pėdų masažas „Iki, nuovargi“
Ypač gilaus atsipalaidavimo ieškantys poilsiautojai jau įsidėmėjo nugaros ir pėdų masažo „Iki, nuovargi…“ pavadinimą. Atliekama su atpalaiduojančiu serumu ir savaime įšylančio jūros dumblo kauke, ši procedūra ypač greit sugrąžina jėgas. „Iki, nuovargi...“ masažą, kurio metu stimuliuojamos receptorinės kūno dalys, rekomenduojame patiriantiems stresą, jaučiantiems įtampą raumenyse, nuovargį, dirglumą, prastai miegantiems.
60 min.
75 €
ESPA galvos, kaklo ir pečių masažas
Nugaros, kaklo, pečių juostos ir juosmens srities skausmą sukelia daugybė valandų, praleidžiamų sėdint, įtampa ir kasdienis stresas. Galvos, kaklo ir pečių masažas veikia dažniausiai įsitempusias sritis, kuriose yra aktyvūs taškai ir daugybė nervų atsišakojimų, o pagal jūsų poreikius parinkti ESPA aliejai padidina atpalaiduojantį procedūros poveikį.
30 min.
45 €
ESPA nugaros masažas
Nugaros masažas su ESPA aliejais yra greitas kelias į atsipalaidavimą – juk būtent nugaroje esame linkę kaupti didelę dalį savo streso ir įtampos. Šis masažas taip pat turi ir kvapų terapijos elementų, nes kvapnūs aliejai nuramina ir teigiamai veikia imunitetą.
30 min.
45 €
ESPA aromaterapinis masažas
Aromaterapinis masažas derina raminančią, stimuliuojančią ar balansuojančią eterinių aliejų galią su gydančiais prisilietimais. Šio masažo metu Monist SPA meistrai naudoja ESPA Body Oil priemones, kurias parenka individualiai. Jėgas atgausite jau po vienintelio masažo seanso, o pasirinkę kelių procedūrų ciklą užtikrinsite ilgalaikį miegą, savijautą ir imunitetą gerinantį poveikį.
60 min.
75 €
90 min.
95 €
ESPA aromaterapinis su karštais akmenimis masažas
Aromaterapinis masažas su karštais akmenimis yra pagrįstas daugialypiu eterinių aliejų poveikiu, atpalaiduojančia karštų akmenų galia ir gydančiais prisilietimais. Šios procedūros metu pasitelkiami vulkaninės kilmės bazaltiniai akmenys, kūnui perduodantys savo mikroelementus ir mineralus, ir ypač aukštos kokybės ESPA priemonės, kurias SPA meistras parinks specialiai jums.
60 min.
80 €
90 min.
100 €
Druskų terapija
Druskų terapija arba haloterapija – tai nemedikamentinė procedūra, kurios metu patalpoje dirbtinai sukuriama druskų kasyklas atitinkantis mikroklimatas. Jame palaikoma pastovi temperatūra ir drėgmė. Kvėpavimas druskų kambaryje esančiu druskingu oru gali palengvinti daugelį su kvėpavimo ligomis susijusių simptomų.
30 min.
10 €
Margaret Dabbs procedūra tinstančioms kojoms
Sunkios, pavargusios ir tinti linkusios kojos bei išsiplėtę kapiliarai pasiduoda Margaret Dabbs kojų procedūrai su juodąja kauke, kuri išsyk suteikia lengvumo. Ši procedūra yra ypač naudinga kūdikio besilaukiančioms moterims, siekiantiems atitolinti venų varikozės progresavimą, sportuojantiems, nuo sėdimo ar stovimo darbo pavargusiems.
40 min.
50 €
Parafino aplikacija plaštakoms
Pirmoji pagalba suskirdusiai rankų odai – parafino aplikacija. Kai rankos ne tokios švelnios, kokių norėtųsi, o įprastas kremas nebegelbsti, ši procedūra padės geriausiai. Jų rezultatas – atgaivintos nuo šalčio ar sauso oro sudirgusios rankos – matomas net po pirmos procedūros. Ši procedūra naudinga ir šąlančioms rankoms, nes šildo ir gerina kraujotaką.
15 min.
15 €
Parafino aplikacija pėdoms
Pirmoji pagalba suskirdusiai pėdų odai – parafino aplikacija. Kai pėdos ne tokios švelnios, kokių norėtųsi, o įprastas kremas nebegelbsti, ši procedūra padės geriausiai. Jų rezultatas – atgaivintos nuo avalynės ir kitų veiksnių sudirgusios pėdos – matomas net po pirmos procedūros. Ši procedūra naudinga ir šąlančioms pėdoms, nes šildo ir gerina kraujotaką.
15 min.
15 €
Parafino aplikacija plaštakoms ir pėdoms
Pirmoji pagalba suskirdusiai pėdų ir rankų odai – parafino aplikacija. Kai rankos ir pėdos ne tokios švelnios, kokių norėtųsi, o įprastas kremas nebegelbsti, ši procedūra padės geriausiai. Jų rezultatas – atgaivintos nuo šalčio ar sauso oro sudirgusios rankos ir pėdos – matomas net po pirmos procedūros. Ši procedūra naudinga ir šąlančioms rankoms ir pėdoms, nes šildo ir gerina kraujotaką.
20 min.
25 €

Body Treatments & Massages

Hand Paraffin Application
The first aid for chapped hands is paraffin application. When your hands are not as soft as you would like them to be, and regular creams are no longer an option, this is the best treatment. The result — revitalised hands no longer irritated by cold or dry weather — is visible even after the first treatment. This treatment is also good for frostbitten hands, as it warms them up and improves circulation.
15 min.
15 €
ESPA Hot Stones Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy hot stone massage is based on the multifaceted effects of essential oils, the relaxing power of hot stones and the healing touch. This treatment uses volcanic basalt stones, which transmit their trace elements and minerals to the body, and high quality ESPA products, which the SPA master will select for you individually.
60 min.
80 €
90 min.
100 €
Margaret Dabbs Treatment for Swelling Legs
Heavy, tired, and swollen legs and dilated capillaries give in to Margaret Dabbs leg treatment with the Black Masque, which provides instant relief. This treatment is particularly useful for women who are pregnant and anyone who wants to delay the progression of varicose veins, exercises, and is tired from sitting or standing.
40 min.
50 €
Salt therapy, or halotherapy, is a non-medicated procedure that artificially creates a microclimate in a room that resembles salt mines. A constant temperature and humidity are maintained. Breathing the salty air in the salt room can alleviate many of the symptoms associated with respiratory diseases.
30 min.
10 €
Foot Paraffin Application
The first aid for chapped feet is paraffin application. When your feet are not as soft as you'd like them to be, and regular creams are no longer an option, this is the best treatment. The result — revitalised feet no longer irritated by footwear and other factors — is visible even after the first treatment. This treatment is also good for freezing feet, as it warms and improves circulation.
15 min.
15 €
Paraffin Application to the Hands & Foot
The first aid for chapped skin on the feet and hands is paraffin application. When your hands and feet are not as soft as you would like, and regular creams are no longer an option, this is the best treatment. The result — hands and feet no longer irritated by cold or dry weather — can be seen even after the first treatment. This treatment is also useful for frostbitten hands and feet, as it warms and improves circulation.
20 min.
25 €
Back & Foot Massage "Goodbye Tiredness"
Holidaymakers looking for deep relaxation have already memorised the name of the back and foot massage "Goodbye, tiredness...". When combined with a relaxing serum and a self-warming seaweed mask, this treatment provides a particularly quick recovery. "Goodbye, tiredness..." massage that stimulates the receptive parts of the body is recommended for those who are stressed, have muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, and sleep problems.
60 min.
75 €
ESPA Back Massage
A back massage with ESPA oils is a quick way to relaxation — after all, it's in the back that we tend to accumulate much of our stress and tension. This massage also has an element of aromatherapy, as the scented oils are soothing and have a positive effect on immunity.
30 min.
45 €
ESPA Head, Neck & Shoulder Massage
Pain in the back, neck, shoulder girdle and lumbar region is caused by many hours of sitting, tension and daily stress. Head, neck and shoulder massage works on the most stressed areas, where there are active points and many nerve branches, and ESPA oils selected according to your needs enhance the relaxing effect of the treatment.
30 min.
45 €
Swedish Shoulder Girdle Massage
The aim of a Swedish massage is to relax tense muscles, relieve fatigue, increase oxygen circulation in the bloodstream and release toxins in the muscles. This combination of passive and active movements makes this massage particularly deep and pleasant, helping you to relax and regain your strength. To make sure you get the most effective massage, Monist SPA's massage therapists will choose the movements, their pace, strength and intensity according to your body's condition. Warmed, stretched muscles, improved flexibility and looser joints will leave you feeling healthy, fit and energetic after your massage.
30 min.
45 €
Swedish Massage
5 types of movement and countless moments of relaxation - that's the simplest description of Swedish massage. The massage not only relaxes your mind, but also your muscles, nervous system and oxygenates your blood, leaving you feeling rested and back to yourself. This massage uses passive and intense back massage movements combined with stretches to move the deep muscles and joints. It also releases the sacrum, stretches the hip joint and thigh to activate blood circulation in the pelvis and buttocks, and a massage of the front part of the body to help calm the emotions.
60 min.
80 €
90 min.
100 €
SPA VILNIUS Classic Massage
12 years ago SPA VILNIUS masters created a classic massages to help you feel deep relaxation. Performed by Monist SPA professionals, this therapy relaxes muscles and improves their recovery, can improve metabolism, regulate the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems. Finally, a classic massage helps you get rid of fatigue and reminds you that if you take care of your body, it's easy to live a more invigorated and cheerful life.
30 min.
45 €
60 min.
75 €
90 min.
95 €
ESPA Body Therapy with Wrap
A body wrap is a feel-good experience that Monist Spa masters will tailor to your body's needs. While you relax, ESPA body care products will nourish your body skin, ESPA Pink Hair & Scalp Mud mask will moisturise your scalp and a spa specialist will give you a tension-relieving scalp massage.
60 min.
70 €
ESPA Salt & Oil Scrub or Exfoliating Polish
A salt and essential oil scrub removes dead skin cells, softens and nourishes the skin. Choose this treatment if you want to take care of your skin or prepare your body for a massage. The ESPA scrub uses quality products that Monist Spa's masters will select according to your preferences and what your body needs most: relaxing (ESPA Relaxing Salt Scrub), detoxifying (ESPA Detoxifying Salt Scrub) or revitalising (ESPA Invigorating Salt Scrub). After showering, the treatment will be completed with a body application of ESPA Cream or Body Butter (Deeply Nourishing Body Cream or ESPA Smooth & Firm Body Butter).
30 min.
45 €
ESPA Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy massage combines the soothing, stimulating or balancing power of essential oils with therapeutic touches. In this massage, Monist SPA's master therapists use ESPA Body Oil products, which are individually selected. You'll feel restored after just one massage session, and a multi-treatment cycle will ensure lasting sleep, well-being and immunity-boosting effects.
60 min.
75 €
90 min.
95 €
Full Body Deep Tissue Sports Massage
Deep Tissue Full Body Sports Massage is not just part of the routine for professional athletes. If stress, fatigue, and accumulated physical tension are causing unpleasant sensations in the body, this massage can act as a therapy to stimulate various muscle groups and your mood. The treatment uses the hands, forearms, elbows, and the weight of the practitioner's body to effectively relax the different muscle groups. The intensive massage improves lymphatic flow and blood circulation, relaxes the nervous system, reduces muscle pain and increases flexibility. If you have an intense period ahead of you, use this massage as a time-tested preventive tool to strengthen and nourish your body.
60 min.
80 €
Deep Tissue & Sports Back Massage
For sedentary workers or those excersice a lot, an intensive and deep sports massage on the back is an indispensable tool for maintaining well-being. This massage naturally relieves neck and back tension and relaxes the nervous system. You will feel the stimulating effect of the massage for a long time — not just the day after the treatment. Stretching will improve the elasticity of your muscles and the flexibility of your body. Immediately after the treatment, you will find that your mood improves and your anxiety disappears — all thanks to the endorphins released in the body during the massage and the removal of excess salts.
30 min.
50 €
Deep Tissue & Sports Legs Massage
Deep sports leg massage is one of the most versatile muscle-stimulating treatments, suitable for both sedentary and active lifestyles. A strong leg massage using a special technique relieves accumulated muscle tension, strengthens the vascular system and increases oxygen in the bloodflow. After the first massage session, you will already feel a change in your well-being, which will make it easier to exercise and move around every day, and will reduce unpleasant swelling in your legs.
30 min.
45 €
Shiatsu Foot Massage
Shiatsu (spot) foot massage is one of the Japanese methods for healing the body and soul. It is believed to balance the Yin and Yang energies and to relieve the tiresome tension that causes fatigue and various pains.
30 min.
40 €
ESPA Hot Stones Deep Muscle Massage
The deep muscles in our body are responsible for correct posture and tension-free movement. Although invisible to the naked eye, they help maintain stability and protect internal organs. Therefore, optimal deep muscle function should not only concern athletes, but everyone who wants to feel the pleasure of moving. Tension, difficult movements, fatigue, and pain associated with irregular posture are all signs that the function of the deep muscles is impaired. A deep muscle massage will help to awaken these muscles and allow them to be activated through exercise and various movements. Monist SPA masters will stimulate the deep muscles in the most pleasant way possible by performing movements tailored to your body, preparing the muscles with warm stones and enhancing the effects of the massage with ESPA aromatherapy oils. The warming effect of the massage will be felt for a long time to come, so set yourself up for deep relaxation.
60 min.
85 €
90 min.
110 €
ESPA Relaxing Bath & Massage Ritual
A relaxing bath and massage ritual is like a short journey guided by Monist SPA masters, throughout which all worries and tensions are left behind. This escape begins with a deeply warming bath. After applying ESPA Cleansing Body Milk on your skin and soaking in water enriched with Ayurvedic salt and rose petals, you will relax, calming your body and mind. The balancing scents of ylang ylang, sandalwood and vetiver will also help you rest. The SPA master will then lead you to the massage table for a revitalising aromatherapy massage with your choice of essential oils. After the bath, your body will be relaxed, so the healing touches, tailored to you, will work even better. You will return from this journey rested and revitalised.
45 min.
65 €
75 min.
95 €
105 min.
115 €
ESPA Relaxing Bath
WEEKDAYS ONLY. Monist Spa professionals invite you to warm up and melt away your worries in an aromatherapy bath. After applying ESPA Cleansing Body Milk on your skin and soaking in water enriched with Ayurvedic salt, you'll relax, calming your body and mind. Even if your mind wants to wander, the floating rose petals will remind you that you've taken this time to pamper yourself and connect with your thoughts. Throughout the treatment, you will be soothed by the balancing aromas of ylang-ylang, sandalwood and vetiver.
15 min.
35 €
SPA Day Program "Deep Relaxation Ritual"
Take a couple of hours to unwind and the tension will leave your body — that's the promise of the Monist SPA masters. After applying ESPA Cleansing Body Milk on your skin and soaking in water enriched with Ayurvedic salt, you'll relax, calming your body and mind. After warming up in the bath, your skin will be awakened with a scrub. An ESPA scrub enriched with iodine, magnesium and other beneficial minerals from sea salt will boost your skin with nature's gifts, while a full-body scrub with a Mexican cactus bristle brush will give your skin a SPA glow. Finally, treat yourself with an aromatherapy massage combines the soothing, stimulating or balancing power of essential oils with healing touches. During this massage, Monist SPA master therapists use ESPA Body Oil products, which are individually selected. Experience this powerful relaxation for two to reenergize your connection.
105 min.
125 €
SPA Day Program "Ritual for Mind & Body Tranquility"
From head to toe, this is the kind of relaxation we offer to Monist guests who want to spend the whole day relaxing. The SPA Day program combines all the most effective relaxation rituals: the Salt Camabar, SPA VILNIUS Classic Body Massage, Classic Facial Massage and Shiatsu Foot Massage. The Salt Room will take care of your immunity and breathing. The SPA VILNIUS Classic Massage will relax your muscles and improve your recovery. The facial massage will make sure that tension leaves your features, while the foot massage will stimulate the most important points, so it will work in a balancing way. A spa day designed by our master spa therapists is a way to say thank you to your body and come back to yourself.
150 min.
155 €
Therapeutic Massage for Children (5–9 yrs)
30 min.
40 €
Day Spa Program "Deep Warming Ritual"
This SPA program designed for the Lithuanian autumn and winter will surround your body with warmth while scents will warm you from the inside. The ritual will start with 20 minutes of an ESPA calming bath with myrrh, incense, and rose geranium essential oil. After the bath has done its job, The Monist SPA master will invite you to the massage table for half an hour of SPA VILNIUS classic back massage to release the tension built up in your body. The ritual will be completed with another 30 minutes of warming and microbubble-stimulating seaweed back mask and a foot massage with cooling gel application — for balance and to help you glide through the rest of the day with ease.
105 min.
115 €
Massage “Inner Peace”
This signature massage was created by the masters of SPA VILNIUS, who wanted to achieve the most effective relaxation, equivalent to meditation. Therefore, the massage is applied to the parts of the body with the most nerve endings: face, head, shoulders, neck, and feet. Harmonizing touches and sound vibrations will transport you from the massage table to a space of respite — where calm thoughts give way to experiences and sensations. So that after the treatment you glow not only from within, the facial includes professional QMS cosmetics and a lifting eye mask.
60 min.
100 €


Kobido Massage
Performed in Japan for more than five centuries, Kobido massage is an art of relaxation and rejuvenation, as well as a facial exercise. Immediately after your first Kobido session, you'll notice how your face looks healthier, firmer and less puffy. And after a course of Kobido massage, this effect will last for a long time. In addition, the many nerve branches and active points on the face make this massage particularly relaxing.
70 min
100 €
Classic Face Massage
A classic facial massage is one of the most effective ways to maintain healthy and youthful skin. This massage prevents the onset of ageing and eradicates the visible signs of ageing. After a full course of classical massage treatments, the skin of the face and neck becomes noticeably firmer and more elastic, with a healthy tone, improved skin tone, smoother facial lines, a reduction in the appearance of the jowls, and a more pronounced oval face. After the first treatment, the skin looks brighter, firmer and fine lines and wrinkles are reduced.
30 min.
50 €
"Kobido" Facial SPA Therapy
Gentle, rhythmic touch massage is a centuries-old Japanese treatment that helps to preserve a youthful face and naturally improve the skin's condition, while instantly relaxing. Monist SPA masters have taken Kobido massage to the next level by adding an effective face mask. This SPA treatment will activate the blood circulation in your face so that the facial mask that completes the ritual works even more deeply to soothe the warmed skin and penetrate the upper layers of the skin with moisturisers and antioxidants. Choose from FORRLED Hyalogy Lift Mask for an immediate lifting effect to prevent premature ageing or NANOBUBBLE Antioxidant Foaming Mask to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
90 min.
120 €
QMS Skin Radianting Facial
A refreshing and radiant treatment with QMS cosmetics in 75 minutes gives you the gift of slower time, a pleasant massage, and a rejuvenating treatment. It includes a pleasant massage of the face, hands and head with exclusive cosmetics. Developed by German scientist Dr. Erich Shulte, this cosmetic is distinguished by its composition: it is based on bovine collagen, which is the closest in molecular structure to the collagen of human skin. The thermally refreshing mask used during the treatment detoxifies the skin, stimulates microcirculation processes, and makes the skin look brighter and smoother.
90 min.
155 €
131.75 €
QMS Moisturising & Nourishing Facial
A well-chosen massage can do more than just slow down the passage of time. A QMS treatment for mature skin is a double treat: while the massage helps you relax and calm your mind, the most advanced QMS Medicosmetics cosmetic products will make your skin glow. The innovative QMS Medicosmetics was developed by German scientist Dr. Erich Shulte. After a long period of research into the healing of post-operative scars, he discovered that the molecular structure of bovine collagen is the closest to that of human skin collagen. Using this discovery in the cosmetic industry, he has developed products to help prevent the ageing process.
90 min.
155 €
131.75 €
QMS Firming & Contouring Facial with Gypsum Mask
A relaxing facial massage, combined with quality QMS Medicosmetics cosmetic products, will help you achieve the best holiday effect: calm your mind, revitalise your complexion, and plump the visible wrinkles. The pampering treatment is carried out with luxurious and high-quality QMS Medicosmetics skincare products. Their premium bovine collagen is very similar in molecular structure to human skin collagen, and is therefore highly absorbable and acts as a natural skin enriching agent.
90 min.
155 €
131.75 €
QMS Facial for Sensitive Skin
It's not just our well-being that is affected by fast-running time and routine — this pace of life is often reflected in our skin. The QMS treatment, which rebalances sensitive and irritated skin, takes care of the most common skin problems that cause unpleasant sensations: inflammation, irritation and skin plumping. The relaxing treatment uses innovative QMS Medicosmetics cosmetics developed by Dr. Erich Shulte, a German scientist who has studied collagen for many years. After discovering that the molecular structure of bovine collagen is the closest to that of human skin collagen, the scientist has used this knowledge to produce effective cosmetics that restore youthfulness.
60 min.
120 €
102 €
QMS Rejuvenating & Collagen Restoring Facial
Skin can be healthy and glowing — all you need to do is treat it to nutrients that are often lacking due to external factors or hormonal changes. The firming QMS treatment restores the collagen deficiency in the skin, thus stimulating regenerative processes, reducing dryness, inflammation and making the skin glow. The treatment uses advanced QMS Medicosmetics brand cosmetics developed by German aesthetic surgeon and doctor of science Erich Schulte. After years of research, Dr. E. Schulte discovered that the molecular structure of bovine collagen most closely resembles the structure of human skin collagen, and used this to develop the cosmetics used in the treatment.
60 min.
120 €
102 €
QMS Facial for Oily & Problematic Skin
Oily and problematic skin is a problem not only for teenagers but also for adults. The QMS Facial with Collagen has a triple effect — cleansing, firming and toning. Designed for all those who suffer from oily and problematic skin, the QMS cleansing treatment is performed with QMS Medicosmetics' advanced cosmetics containing collagen and hyaluron. These cosmetics were developed by reconstructive plastic surgeon Dr. Erich Shulte, who has spent many years researching the healing of post-operative scars. After discovering the benefits of collagen and hyaluronic acid, he used them to develop an advanced line of cosmetics to restore the skin's vitality.
60 min.
120 €
102 €
QMS Facial for Pregnant Women with Collagen
The massage-based QMS facial with collagen promises double the pleasure. The gentle facial massage will help you slow down and experience true relaxation, while the collagen-infused products will infuse your skin with moisture and elasticity. This treatment is carried out with QMS Medicosmetics cosmetic products developed by Dr Erich Shulte. It contains collagen extracted from animals, with a structure most similar to that of the collagen found in the human body, so that skin regeneration is enhanced in just one hour. Unlike many other beauty rituals, this treatment is recommended for pregnant women - the safe QMS Medicosmetics cosmetics will leave your skin looking radiant and glowing.
60 min.
120 €
102 €
QMS Firming Facial for Men
The QMS Firming Treatment, designed for men, gives everything you need to revitalize your skin and facial features, creating an impression of a good and long rest. During the treatment, your perfectly cleansed skin will be enriched with QMS products of exceptional quality and high collagen penetration. The effectiveness of these products will be enhanced by masterful massage on the face, neck and head, designed to relax tense muscles that cause wrinkles and contour changes. After the massage, you won't just look in the mirror and see the difference — you'll leave the SPA feeling relaxed and energised.
60 min.
120 €
102 €

Treatments for Two

ESPA Salt & Oil Scrub or Exfoliating Polish for Two
Enriched with iodine, magnesium and other beneficial substances from sea salt, the ESPA scrub will enrich your skin with nature's gifts, while the full-body scrub with a Mexican cactus bristle brush will give your skin a spa-like glow. According to holidaymakers, this treatment slows down time and prevents long-term stress and bad energy.
30 min.
85 €
ESPA Aromatherapy Massage for Two
The ESPA Aromatherapy Massage is designed for both body and soul. The full-body massage relaxes the muscles, strengthens the body and wards off ageing, while the essential oils used calm the mind, relieve anxiety and restore spiritual strength. Aromatherapy essential oils penetrate the body through the skin and the respiratory tract, so their scents are chosen individually according to the client's physical and mental state.
60 min.
145 €
90 min.
185 €
ESPA Back Massage for Two
Soothing music, a relaxing atmosphere, fragrant warm oils and the pleasure of a massage are the ideal conditions to reconnect with yourself and your partner. The ESPA Back Massage for Two invites you to escape from everyday life by combining the senses of touch and smell. While the master back massage relaxes tense muscles, improves blood circulation and relieves pain, aromatherapy oils soothe, inspire and remove the last remnants of fatigue.
30 min.
85 €
SPA VILNIUS Classic Massage for Two
Experience the pleasure of the classic SPA VILNIUS massage that is being performed for 12 years now together. This pleasure for two, tailored and performed by Monist SPA masters, relaxes muscles and improves their recovery, and has a positive effect on your emotional state. All this for a new relationship with yourself, your body, and your partner.
30 min.
85 €
60 min.
145 €
90 min.
185 €
SPA Day Program "Deep Relaxation Ritual for Two"
Take a couple of hours to unwind and the tension will leave your body — that's the promise of the Monist SPA masters. After applying ESPA Cleansing Body Milk on your skin and soaking in water enriched with Ayurvedic salt, you'll relax, calming your body and mind. After warming up in the bath, your skin will be awakened with a scrub. An ESPA scrub enriched with iodine, magnesium and other beneficial minerals from sea salt will boost your skin with nature's gifts, while a full-body scrub with a Mexican cactus bristle brush will give your skin a SPA glow. Finally, treat yourself with an aromatherapy massage combines the soothing, stimulating or balancing power of essential oils with healing touches. During this massage, Monist SPA master therapists use ESPA Body Oil products, which are individually selected. Experience this powerful relaxation for two to reenergize your connection.
105 min.
245 €
SPA Day Program "Whole Body Rejuvenating Ritual for Two"
Relax so deeply that your body strengthens and your breathing deepens. Inviting you to take care of your immunity naturally, we'll start this ritual with a visit to the salt room, where the salty air will revitalise your airways, while the calm atmosphere will encourage you to calm your mind. After relaxing in the salt room, your skin will be awakened with a scrub. Enriched with iodine, magnesium and other beneficial substances from the sea salt, the ESPA scrub will enrich your skin with nature's gifts, while a full-body scrub with a Mexican cactus bristle brush will give your skin a SPA glow. Finally, treat yourself to an aromatherapy massage combines the soothing, stimulating or balancing power of essential oils with healing touches. During this massage, Monist SPA master therapists use ESPA Body Oil products that are individually selected. After a relaxing experience for two, you will be ready to continue your relaxation with renewed vigour.
120 min.
235 €
SPA Day Program "Energy Restoring Ritual for Two"
First, calm your mind by breathing in the salty air that refreshes your airways, and then say goodbye to all the tension on the massage table. The "Goodbye, Tiredness" massage is performed with a relaxing serum and a mask of self-warming seaweed, which gives you a particularly fast recovery. It stimulates the receptive parts of the body, so we recommend this ritual for those who are stressed, have muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, or who do not sleep well.
90 min.
155 €
FOR Relaxing stay

SPA Programs

SPA program for two
If days pass too fast, let us plan your rest for you. The relaxation program includes two nights of quiet sleep, restorative treatments by SPA masters and relaxing relaxation rituals. After a deep sleep, the day will start with a long and slow breakfast at Monist Restaurant. Afterwards, each guest will enjoy a pampering session with the SPA masters — a 60-minute massage and salt chamber or paraffin bath. Whenever you wish, the moonlit SPA area will invite you for a swim or a sauna ritual. Finally, don't forget a date with Palanga — the Monist guide will offer ideas.
2 n.
From 438 €


Take care of your rest in advance
The Monist team will book you an appointment with the SPA professional and help you choose the best relaxation ritual.
+370 669 80800
Book via Treatwell
Conveniently choose the suitable time and the most pleasant treatment online.
Book via Treatwell
Or book upon arrival
If you want a spontaneous relaxation moment or to discuss the SPA menu in person, please visit the SPA reception.

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